So You Want To Be An Author
Released on: May 11, 2008, 4:35 pm
Press Release Author: Shannon Evans
Press Release Summary: The \"real\" truth behind what it takes to become a best-selling author.
Press Release Body: SEATTLE, WA - American writers are frustrated and angry with mainstream publishing companies' strangle hold on what is printed and promoted as literary fiction and non-fiction. Opportunities for publication through traditional publishing houses are rapidly shrinking for even the most seasoned and successful author. 98% of published authors fail to ever get subsequent books into print. Agents and publishers work under tighter publishing budgets and are forced to select carefully from the thousands of submissions received each month. How can an author stand out, get published, and successfully launch their book under these conditions? Patrick Snow, international best-selling author of Creating Your Own Destiny and publishing coach presents his highly successful instructional Best-Seller Publishing Institute at Alder Brook Spa and Resort on the Hood Canal June 3-5. At this event industry experts will provide instruction in what it takes to produce a best seller in the current publishing climate. Participants will network and mastermind with other authors, editor, and publicists. Not only will writers discover the multiple paths to successful publication both nationally and internationally, this institute will also teach published authors how to promote their current book through speaking and personal appearances. Patrick Snow\'s methodologies consistently land his clients on the front pages of major newspapers as well as engagements on major radio and TV shows. According to Snow, \"The question I get most often from other authors is, \'Why can\'t I get noticed by agents or publishers? I know my writing is pretty good and the subject is interesting/important.\' My job as a publishing coach is to show people that they can\'t be limited by the artificial standards of traditional publishing paths. If they have a passion about their topic and the discipline to follow through on the path to publication, I can show them how to be successfully published in 12-18 months.\"
ABOUT PATRICK SNOW He has personally sold over 125,000 copies of his book Creating Your Own Destiny. He is a motivational and inspirational speaker has delivered over 1200 speeches, contributed to the popular Chicken Soup series, and has been featured on the cover of USA Today as well as The New York Times. Snow has helped over 100 clients world-wide pursue publishing goals.
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Contact Details: P.O. Box 10864 - Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Office: (800) 951-7721 Cell: (206) 310-1200
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